What does Holy really mean?

Bible stories are littered with blood, gore, and the anti-hero saving the day. We praise the deeds of those our Gods tell us are holy prophets of their word, even if they must travel an unholy path.

Murder is only murder if God does not order it? At what point does the teachings of the Gods become hypocritical? Do we follow in blind faith because “God told us to do it”. When do we question the thin line between doctrine and indoctrination? 

I would like for you to think critically dear reader, Independent thought is dangerous. It is only for our leaders, but should it be?

The word “evil” needs a point of view. We tend to see it from our religious moral compass. But what if it is not so black and white? What if there is more shades of grey than what we wish to acknowledge?

This story will test your limits of acceptance as to what is defined as, “good” vs “bad”.

This site is set up to be viewed in a few different ways. Yes there are books being produced, not many are available for purchase. But there will be. 

Until then I would like to set up a place where my story line is interactive. With lore that is not scheduled to be published. I thought it would be fun to allow the reader to get a window into the dimension before the stories begin.

We shall do this backwards. First you will learn why you are here, and make you think you know what is right and what is wrong.  Be wary of your choices, because not all is what it seems to be.

My design for this story and this website, is to give you an in-depth view into the story line and the characters of this lore. These pages will start out with a bit of a Lore dump, but then it will shift quickly into giving you choices. Thus it will be a “choose your own adventure” 

You will get to discover alternative endings to the story. I hope you enjoy!


Sharpen your mind, before your sword

Death’s Scion

A Featured Story by J. Adamson

The Hellfire

The Horror is waking.

Immortal Monster

Real monsters do not die
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